Thursday, 7 April 2011

I believe that kids are innately generous and want to help their community and the world - they just need the resources.  Giving Elf will give kids the resources they need to learn about giving, research charities and connect with and raise funds for the charity of their choice.

The idea of Giving Elf was born out of the belief that there is a need to start kids on the road to giving at an early age. According to Susan Crites Price, author of The Giving Family: Raising Our Children to Help Others (Council on Foundations, 2001), it’s important to start young. “Habit gets instilled at an early age, and young kids can do a lot,” Price said. “That doesn’t mean that for teenagers it’s too late, but the earlier they start giving, the more it becomes a habit.”

The goal of Giving Elf is to create an on-line community for kids to learn, inspire, connect and get involved with charities so that they develop a habit of giving at an early age. The younger kids develop the habit the more likely they will continue it when they are adults.  The Giving Elf website will include resources kids need to search for charities and fundraise for the charity of their choice. It will also include a virtual game (MMORPG) so that they can learn about the benefits of giving in a fun environment.

I am trying to get the funds needed to get the website and game developed. I have an opportunity through the Pepsi Refresh Project. I need people to help me by voting for my idea at Voting continues until April 30. Please take one minute and help by voting. Together we can teach kids to give and raise millions for charities.  

Components of the website will include:

Charity Search: Kids will be able to search for a charity that matches their interest and preferred location to give (local, national international). The descriptions of the charities will be written for children - so they understand the charity's mission. 

Virtual Piggy Bank: Kids will be able to contribute a portion of their allowance to charity on a weekly or monthly basis through an online virtual piggy bank. They will be able to set-up a virtual piggy bank that will match a giving jar they keep at home (they will be able to print a label off from the Giving Elf site for the jar). As they add money to their jar they will also add it to their piggy bank online. When their virtual bank reaches a certain amount (ie: $20) they will be encouraged to ask their parents to help them donate the money online to the charity(ies) of their choice.

Giving Pages: Kids will be able to set-up giving pages to fundraise for the charity of their choice. Whether they decide they want to have people give them money for their charity instead of birthday presents, "sell" arts and crafts that they have made and have people donate online to purchase them or just ask others to help them, they will be able to use the giving pages to raise funds for their charity.

Gift cards: Friends and family members will be able to purchase gift cards for kids. The kids will decide which charity they want to donate the money to.

Giving Elf virtual game: Kids will learn about budgeting, spending and giving both their time and money. The game will teach children that what they give makes an impact on the world and giving is fun and feels great. Kids will be able to create their own elf character that looks similar to them. They will be able to play games, connect with other elves, volunteer with elf causes and help to raise money for elf charities.